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Posted by: Mitchell Refractive Surgery & Eye Center

Cataracts: A Treatable Problem

Sight is one of the most important ways we interact with the world, and some scientists estimate that up to 90% of the information processed by the brain comes in through the eyes.

Unfortunately, over time the eyes can degrade with age. Cataracts are a common eye condition that can obscure your vision and impede your daily life. Thankfully, the Mitchell Eye Center offers a number of treatment options to help you clear cataracts and regain your vision.

A Problem in the Protein

A cataract occurs when the lens of your eye—the part that focuses light so you can see clearly—clouds. How does this happen you may ask? Your eye lens is made of water and protein structures. As you age these proteins can congeal together, forming cloudy, dark spots. These cloudy areas can eventually warp your whole field of vision. The signs of cataracts might but not be that noticeable at first, so it is important to keep an eye out (pun intended) for the following symptoms:

  • Poor night vision
  • An annoying glare in bright sunlight
  • Faded perception of color
  • Reduced depth perceptions
  • Difficulty reading, even when using glasses or contacts

Treating Cataracts

There are a number of treatment options available to you if you’re suffering from cataracts. Our Boca Raton ophthalmology practice offer two types of cataract surgery, each with the ability to remove your cataracts and restore healthy, beautifully clear vision:

  • No-Stitch Cataract Surgery: This is an advanced, state-of-the-art procedure that’s minimally invasive, safe, and highly effective. All it takes is a tiny, self-sealing incision, through which your eye surgeon will use specialized tools to clear the cataracts. The incision is very small and heals quickly. And the whole procedure takes only 10 minutes, requiring only numbing eye drops as an anesthetic.
  • IOL Surgery: IOL, or Intra-Ocular Lens surgery, is a time-tested treatment that can solve even the most severe cases of cataracts. This procedure involves your eye surgeon removing your entire eye lens and replacing it with a brand new lens, completely restoring your vision and removing any possibility of cataracts.

Contact Your Eye Surgeon in Boca Raton, FL

If you think you might be suffering from cataracts, don’t wait for your vision to get worse; take action now! Call us today at (561) 451-0655 or book your next appointment online at our Boca Raton, FL office. We’d be happy to get you started with our esteemed eye surgeon straight away.

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